
Exam card #49
1. Who was my only real friend?
2. For how much the boy was ready to give her answers?
3. Emma threatened ?
4. Who was the new friend?
5. What conclusion should abstain from this story?

Exam card #45
1. What is the most populous shopping street in the Britan?
2. What is the less crowded shopping street in the Britain?
3. What's the most populat store in the Britain?
4. What is it Kamden?
5. What else can you get in London besides shoping?

Exam card #61
1. What is the first step to become rich?
2. What do Bob for character ?
3. What really needs to do a poor man to be economical?
4. Why is valuable to write about himself in the 3rd person?
5. Who wrote these sets of exercises?

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